
Lynda Meyers Lynda Meyers

The Lost Art of Feeding the Birds

We live in an ecosystem where humans are the worst predator. But if we can start to think in a circular fashion and slow down to notice what’s all around, it can slow the brain and calm the nervous system.

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Lynda Meyers Lynda Meyers

Consciously “Uncoupling” from Facebook

I turned leaving FB/Meta platforms into an exercise in “Conscious Uncoupling”, much like my divorce and it became a deep reflection on the last 17 years. Here’s why I did it that way, and what it taught me:

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Lynda Meyers Lynda Meyers

Space-Saving Seed Snails in the Greenhouse

There are lots of ways to start seeds. This year I’m trying the sushi roll method, also called a “seed snail”. If it works it’s going to save me tons of space. Take a look:

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Lynda Meyers Lynda Meyers

Thoughts on a Gift Economy

Are you “done” with rampant consumerism? There is a better way. Participating in a gift economy, while flying in the face of a market economy, has the added benefit of calming our nervous systems and building authentic relationships.

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Lynda Meyers Lynda Meyers

It’s a New Day

I’m leaving social media and going back to my roots: blogging and newsletters. The bottom line? I get more control of what I write and you get control of what you read. Here’s why:

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Lynda Meyers Lynda Meyers

Discover the Benefits of Grounding

Grounding is a simple way of reconnecting your body to the earth’s vital energy. It has multiple benefits, and best of all, it’s free!! Let’s discuss:

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